Sunday, April 20, 2008

Meeting the weekend

My recent weekend was real busy with meeting up with Hong Yee, having a crabby dinner with uncle tom and aunty helen, down to meeting up with Yenny Scillia a good friend from Indonesia, tired but yet happy to meet them again.
In fact when I was having lunch with Hong Yee at Nyonya Color, we met jeff an old buddy which just left THE EDGE for God Sake. The whole conversation with Hong Yee is indeed nice and easy as he is a humble man and what make me more relief is that he have also agree to assist KD to do some write-up for the presentation kit. Later in the evening I join my parent for a dinner at Fatty Crab with uncle tom and aunty helen, which use to be my father sifu. Meeting them is like having my grandparent alive back and I feel damm good about it. The dinner ended with a goodbye hug and kiss from aunty helen and uncle tom. After a long saturday, sunday was another beautiful moment of meeting up with Yenny Scillia, I only recall her slapping my hand when she get excited... about particular topic we talk about. Although she was so late, but I am happy that she could be able to make it. Mun Meng join in at 3 and we talked lots from "How are you " to "updates on others" to " "Sex topics" as we always do. We didn't even notice if was already 7pm as we have our 2nd dose of coffee and hot choc. Some said saying bye bye is the hardest but I guess is like a new begining of a commitment to meet again, we hugged for a moment and there goes a beautiful moment that we spend at starbucks....till we meet again.....

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